How To Install One Of Our Roller Blinds In 3 Easy Steps
Step One - Fitting the brackets
Top Fixing (For Inside a Recess)
- Hold each bracket in place and mark the hole positions.
- Secure each bracket with appropriate screws. Ensure the fixings are suitable for the wall or surface where you are mounting the brackets.
- When top fixing inside a recess, account for any protruding obstructions such as vents or window handles.

Face Fixing (For Outside a Recess)
- Hold each bracket in place and mark the hole positions.
- Secure each bracket with appropriate screws. Ensure the fixings are suitable for the wall or surface where you are mounting the brackets.

Step Two - Fitting the blind
Hold the fully wound blind and insert the idle pin end into the bracket as shown.
- With the idle pin end in place, insert the control end into the opposite bracket by depressing the pin end.
- Pull down vertically until the control end clicks into place.
Step Three - Fit the child safety device
1. Place the safety device on the wall and mark the positions of the two screw holes.
2. Drill holes using an appropriate drill bit.
3. Position the device, ensuring the chain is fully taut.
4. Securely screw the safety device to the wall using suitable fixings.
Install the safety device as far as possible from the control mechanism, ensuring it is at least 1.5 meters from the floor to prevent the looped chain from becoming slack.